Alfriston & Cuckmere Valley Historical Society - 2025 events
All to be held in the War Memorial Hall
Thursday 20th March 7.30pm - “A History of Women in Aviation: From Balloons to Space Stations” by Anna Astin
Thursday 10th April 7.30pm - AGM followed by “The Black Death: A Medieval Catastrophe” by Ian Chopra
Thursday 15th May 7.30pm - “A History of Food” by Ian Dowding
Thursday 19th June 6.00pm – Reception and Dinner followed by “The National Trust and the Clergy House” by Holly Jones
Thursday 18th September 7.30pm - “From Sussex Ox to Fordson Major” by Ian Everest
Thursday 16th October 7.30pm - “Tales from the British Raj” by Rukshana Master
Thursday 20th November 7.30pm - “Aerial Photography” by Philip Lane
Thursday 11th December from 6.00pm onwards- Christmas Social Event
Alfriston WI - 2025 events
All to be held in the War Memorial Hall - Tuesdays 2-4pm
21 January - Social Afternoon
Hostesses: Lin Vance, Ann Beeston​
18 February - Liz O'Neill: Gift Card Watercolour Painting
Hostesses: Jean Crow, Anita Nott; Vote of thanks: Sylvia Daw​
18 March - Kirsty Henty: My Life as a Model
Hostesses: Pam Southin, Pauline Bailey; Vote of thanks: Margaret Major
15 April - Adrian Harris: The Unreliable Memories of an Eton Bursar
Hostesses: Lesley Barker, Pam Batty; Vote of thanks: Hilary Rawlins
20 May - Resolutions/Annual Meeting
Hostesses: Jean Crow, Anita Nott​
17 June - Garden Party at Merrythought - 3.00 p.m.​
15 July - Vernon Reynolds: Chimpanzees of the Budongo Forest, Uganda
Hostesses: Sylvia Daw, Chris Ando; Vote of thanks: Maralyn Streeter
16 September - Alex Green: Alfriston Clergy House, 600 years of History
Hostesses: Marjorie Mason, Lyn Lowmass; Vote of thanks: Mara Broome
21 October - Duncan Ellis: Longbridge Regenerative
Hostesses: Jean Crow, Anita Nott; Vote of thanks: Lyn Lowmass
18 November - Pete Allen: Oh No It Isn't: A History of Pantomime
Competition: Best-wrapped gift for underprivileged
Hostesses: Jean Crow, Anita Nott; Vote of thanks: Margaret Major
16 December - Christmas party
Cuckmere Valley Horticultural Society - 2025 events
Thursday 16th January - Afternoon DVD, Carol Klein Part 1 - 2.30 p.m.
Thursday 20th February - Afternoon DVD, Carol Klein Part 2 - 2.30 p.m.
Thursday 18th March - Evening talk, Growing for Chelsea, Howe Green Nursery and Plant Sale - 7.30 p.m.
Tuesday 22nd April - AGM followed by a talk on bees - 7.30 p.m.
Saturday 7th June - Garden trail / coffee morning - 10-12.30
Tuesday 1st July - Gardeners Question Time - 6 p.m.
Saturday 26th July - Annual Summer Show - 8.30 for entries / doors open 1-5 p.m.
Sunday 27th July - Annual Show - 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
September (TBC) - Visit to Michael Joseph's garden
Tuesday 1st October - Evening talk - 7.30 p.m.
Tuesday 25th November - Members evening - 7.30-10 p.m.
Saturday 13th December - Festive floral arrangements - 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.